Soon the World Will End

Soon the world will come to an end

I can feel it within

I know I can’t pretend

That it is not happening

War going on in multiple places

Too many humans not accepting new faces

The world is going through many changes

Signs of Revelations showing up in stages

You may call me a conspiracy theorist

But there’s nothing we can do to stop this

Because every star eventually turns to dust

And our’s is about to bust

No One Relates – Life poetry

I’m beginning to realize

I was not meant to express

The thoughts and feelings

I have within my head

No one seems to relate

When it comes to my words

Hard to affiliate

When they ask me to get cured

Telling me I’m talking insane

Tired of being told

Somethings wrong with my brain

My mind I want to explode

I tried many medications

Multiple kinds of supplements

It was hard to stay dedicated

When they gave the wrong effects

Days when I try to socialize

I still feel completely alone

Bored of meaningless conversations

Looking in the eyes of brainwashed drones

Disengaged – Social Media Poetry

The world is so disengaged
Although we are all on our phones
I barely see a smiling face
Just eyes that are completely zoned

Most hide from the true reality
We are currently living in
You try to speak they disagree
Instantly they all just walk away

Tired of the world being cruel
Thinking they can hide behind a screen
Word after world to start a dual
As if they were born to be a troll

Always debating if it is a waste of time
Trying to send out any message
When in the end they call me insane
Telling me to ignore the pain and wreckage

For Fortune and Fame- Social media poetry

hiding behind a screen

yet begging to be seen

video after video they stream

claiming it is their “dream”

recording your life for gain

seems to be the answer these days

fortune and fame

wanting everyone to know your name

i am not like you, i am not the same

i know i will never change

even if recording is the way out

it is not what my life is about

The If Only Kind Of Love – Poetry

Why is it hard to get you out of my mind

You have done me wrong over and over again

I sometimes have an urge to give you a call

But I am afraid to see you and fall

It has been a while since we shared words

Been even longer since we shared energy

People always came to us with disgrace and swords

But the love I have for you feels like yesterday

I left you in the dark and abandoned

But I found out you were being dishonest

I forgave and tried to stay blind

Giving me a ring with a new promise

I almost walked down the aisle

You were supposed to smile

As you took off my veil

Exposing me your true soul

I still vision what we could have been

If we did not have our addictions

If we could still fall in love clean

Or do would we always need the prescriptions?

He Left Me – Sad Break Up Poetry

I thought we were going down this road together
Until you decided to take a different route
Now the love I gave you doesn’t matter
And my heart is filled with doubt

I had a wall built around my heart
But that was not enough protection
This time I will build a moat
And travel a different direction